"When I'm big I'll drive a motorcycle and you can sit on the back and hang on tight. We'll go to Starbucks for coffee and drink it there because you can't drink and drive with a motorcycle. I'm going to drink coffee when I grow up."
"When I'm older I want a convertable. So I can drive it with the top down with other people and with the top on in the winter. I still want a motorcycle."
"When I grow up I don't want a job like Daddy. I want to stay home and play and go to your house and take you out to coffee."
"I don't want kids when I grow up. And if I can't marry you then I don't want to get married."
Quinn, on separate occasions, has declared the following:
"I hope I find someone to marry when I'm in college."
"I think I'm going to be an astronaut. Maybe. I'd like a job like Daddy has where I can come home, cook dinner, play with the babies."
"When I get a car of my own I want a van like yours, Mom. Only blue. Well, when I'm old enough can you just give me your van and then I don't have to use any of my money? I can drive lots of kids around in it."
"I don't know how many kids I'll have. That's up to whoever it is I find to marry me."
Night and day these two. Night and day.