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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I'm an All or Nothing Sort of Girl...

When I decide to do something I sort of go all out. For me - it's all or nothing.

So, when I challenged myself to not eat any Halloween candy starting Nov. 1st I knew it had to be all or nothing. No letting myself have a bite of one of the boy's pieces, no choosing just certain ones I can eat. I will eat none of it.

But then today I realized someting. Even after having Mike take an entire bag of chocolate candies to work - If I don't eat any of this candy it will take FOREVER to get it out of the house.


I decided: Each time I "crave" a piece of candy or each time I think about eating one - I will go choose a piece and put it in another bag - to either donate or send to Mike's work. (Any ideas of where I could donate this candy would be awesome. As of tonight there are 6 pieces in there. I'm sure the bag will be ready by the end of the month.)


Strawberry said...

This is hilarious! I've got the same thing going at my house. I sent two bags of candy to my brothers and have been delivering bowls of candy to friends to put on their desks at work!

Anonymous said...

We decorate gingerbread houses with the Halloween candy. You may consider doing a few of those and donating the "village" to a nursing home?

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Tulsa County Courthouse said...

Its meaningful and by some means sharing this to readers like me, can make me

want to surf the web to be able to get extra fantastic ideas.


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