After a month of getting everyone ready to go in the mornings I'm finding myself enjoy this time. I pack the lunches the night before, Mike feeds the kids their breakfast while I shower and then says goodbye, Quinn gets himself dressed and "brushed" (his way to say he brushed his hair and teeth), but most importantly - this is the time of day when my two boys play the best together. Most mornings they have a good hour to play together before we need to leave - they can either be found playing chess (Quinn's trying to teach Liam), Wipe-Out (jumping on the couch
cushions), or just dancing around on Liam's bed. This playtime gives me plenty of time to empty the dishwasher and straighten up the kitchen before we go. It's been working wonderfully and I'm sure now that I've typed this up tomorrow will tell a different story all together.
Sounds like it works! Bravo!
Heck when do you have to be at work?? Our morning is like--hurry hurry, eat eat, in the car! We got to be out of the house by 7:25, school starts at 8!
Wow, great to read this, wonderful blog, thanx for the share.
I was just browsing for relevant blog posts for my project research and I happened to discover yours. Thanks for the excellent information! :-)
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