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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Summer Reading Program

Thanks to the library's summer reading program I am able to tell my boys to go look at books for 15 minutes. AND - they are able to actually look at books nicely for 15 minutes. Liam has quite a few that he's memorized and can "read" during those 15 minutes. Quinn is able to read quite a few words and has many books that he can actually read. Of course - sometimes, they just look at the pictures and make up stories.

Either way - I'm able to get the laundry folded, the dishes put away, or just straighten up a bit for 15 minutes without my boys just vegging in front of the television.

It's a total win-win.

(Each 15 minutes we read or look at books the boys add a sticker to their own charts. For each 3 hours we read or look at books we get to go to the library and pick out prizes.)

*Oh - and just so you know, we always spend time reading books in this house, it's just that the summer reading program has really helped my boys understand just how long 15 minutes is... And it also encourages me to encourage them more often.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Hen has already picked up his first prize - a book! I love the summer reading program but it never occurred to me to have Henry go off and "read" by himself for 15 minutes. What an excellent idea! (I've been reading to him for 30 minutes instead to fulfill the requirement.) I've got loads of laundry to do so I'm going to try that today. Good reading, boys!


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